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West Sulawesi

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West Sulawesi


Mamuju as the capital city of the province. Administratively, the province is divided into 5 Regencies. Geographically, the province is located in the cross position of the golden Triangle of South Sulawesi, East Kalimantan and Central Sulawesi as well as directly faces national and international sailing route of Makassar straits. Topographic condition of West Sulawesi Province comprises ocean, low land and high land, has enabled the province to have fertile land. Climate in the region generally belongs to tropical.


Several kingdoms used to exist here, fourteen to be exacts. They are Balanipa, Banggae, Bambang, Binuang, Pamboang, Sendana, Tappalang, Mamuju, Rante Bulahan, Aralie, Mambi, Tabulahan, Matangga and Tabang.
Right now West Sulawesi is known for its cocoa, coffee (robusta and arabica), clove and coconut. Gold, coal and oil mining also help to make this province more prosperous.
West Sulawesi became a separate province in 2004, through Law no. 26. It used to be a part of South Sulawesi.


By air: Tampa Padang Airport 27 km from Mamuju capital city.
Belang-Belang Bakengkeng Harbor Mamuju District, Ferry Simboro Mamuju Harbor connect Mamuju-Balikpapan, Batulicin, Surabaya, Ujung Polewali Mandar, Palippi natural harbor in Majene;,Manakara Harbor in Mamuju.

People & Culture

Mandar people have been known for centuries for their seafaring abilities. They are dominant in this area, but you can also find Toraja, Bugis, Makassarese, Javanese and others here.
Using their sandeq boat, Mandar people cruise to all over Indonesia and even reaching as far as neighboring country of Malaysia and Australia. Meanwhile, the people who live in mountanious area of the province have cultural similarity with Torajan ethnic in terms of architecture of the house. Their language, their clothes as well as in their traditional ceremony. West Sulawesi Province has fantastic natural tourism in form of its vast array of tourism in form of its still natural mountain view, uniqueness of culture of the people, as well as its vast array of tourism objects of special interest, which are scattered, in its coastal and mountainous areas where special skills are needed to enjoy them.


Being close to the sea, sea food is one of the specialties.  Flying fish eggs are considered a delicacy and if you're offered some, be grateful because it is quite pricey and usually served during special occasions. You can also find it in certain hotels or restaurants. Pupu, fried tuna fish cakes, should also be sampled.
Generally West Sulawesi dishes are spicy, a bit sour and they taste very delicious.

Tourism Office

Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Prov. Sulawesi Barat
Jl. Ahmad Kirang, Mamuju Sulawesi Barat
Phone. (62-426) 21092
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