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Batu Cermin Cave

jurney | 18.31 | 0 komentar


Batu Cermin, or Mirror Rock, is actually a tunnel or cave in a dark stone hills of Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai, Flores, East Nusa Tenggara.  Sunshine comes in through a hole in the tunnel and then bounces on the stone walls that again reflect small lights to other areas inside the cave like a mirror. That’s why this site is called mirror rock. 
The cave is located east of Labuan Bajo harbor some four kilometers from the town’s center.  The cave has forests surrounding it where you can find long-tailed monkeys and wild boar.  Travel agencies sell tour packages to Batu Cermin as part of a city tour program from Labuan Bajo.

To Do

Nearly all interesting sites in Labuan Bajo are located on islands facing this harbor.  Most are unoccupied and you can go there for sunbathing, diving or snorkeling.  Bidadari Island has a beautiful beach for sunbathing.  Its seas are good for snorkeling and diving.  Kanawa and Kukusan Kecil Islands are also good for snorkeling and diving.  In addition, Serayu island has white sand and beautiful corals.

Get Around

You can take a rented car or travel by car from the Labuan Bajo airport to any place on the Flores mainland.  The rate depends on your negotiation but currently it is about Rp500,000 per day.  Hotels can help you find a rented car.
For your mobility within the city, bemo’s (traditional public transportation) and motor taxis are available, but they only operate until 9.0 pm..  If you want to visit the nearby islands, such as to Komodo or Rinca, rented motorboats and speed boats are available at the port.

Get There

Every day, there are two to three flights from Bali to Labuan Bajo by Transnusa, IAT (Indonesia Air Transport), and Merpati.  In addition, there is a twice a week flight from Kupang. Inter-island motorboats from Sape in West Nusa Tenggara are also available everyday (when the weather permits), and the Pelni ship from Bali and Lombok makes a stop over here every two weeks.

To Stay

Labuan Bajo has many hotels for backpackers.  It also has expensive and luxurious hotels.  At present, the Hotel Bintang Flores, (0385-42000/ www.bintangflores.com) located by Pede beach, is the best and most luxurious hotel in Labuan Bajo. This four-star hotel has a restaurant, bar, swimming pool, dive shop, and Internet facility.  Its rate is in US dollars.

To Eat

Hotels usually have their own restaurants.  Restoran Gardena (at Hotel Gardena), for instance, is a favorite restaurant.  Here, you can find various types of European and Indonesian foods.  It is famous for its sweet & sour fish (Kerapu or tuna fish) and the amazing scenery during sunsets. Other restaurants among others are the Paradise Bar and Pub (near Golo Hilltop), Arto Moro, and Matahari (Paradise and Matahari have beautiful views during sunsets).

To Buy

You can buy souvenirs from kiosks and shops in Labuan Bajo, particularly on Yos Sudarso Street.  There, you can find local ikat and songket woven fabrics, and wooden komodo statues. Hawkers will also sell you imperfect cultured pearl necklaces, which make beautiful souvenirs and gifts.


Make sure that you bring along anti-mosquito lotions and anti-malaria medicines, since Labuan Bajo is a malaria endemic area. Bring along also sunblock lotions, a hat, and sunglasses, as it can be very hot here during the dry season. You can buy these at the supermarket in town or from your hotel shop. 
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